ACE Personal Trainer Practice Exam

Take this free ACE Personal Trainer practice exam to get an idea of the type of questions that appear on the actual certification exam.

The ACE Personal Trainer exam is comprised of 150 multiple-choice questions based on 4 subject areas. These subject areas are broken down as follows:

For complete practice, check out the ACE Practice Exam Kit with 750 questions and fully explained answers. It was coauthored by health and fitness writers Christy Hamilton and Susan Hill, who have both been ACE Certified Personal Trainers.

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ACE Personal Trainer Exam

Quality starts with who wrote the material. Our practice exam writer Theresa McCabe

is a certified ACE personal trainer who has trained personal trainers as both a lecturer and program director for over twenty years. She has helped others prepare for the ACE exam through the Athletics and Fitness Association of America and has taught continuing education courses.

Dirk Timm

is an ACE certified personal trainer with over five years of experience as a personal trainer and fitness director and is a health and fitness writer through the Personal Training Development Center.

Christy Hamilton

is a health and fitness writer who held the ACE CPT for five years, as well as certifications as an NSCA Certified Personal Trainer and Group Fitness Instructor and ACSM Inclusive Fitness Trainer.

Susan Hill

is a health and fitness writer who held the ACE CPT for ten years and now focuses on golf fitness training and has worked and trained on tour.

The ACE Personal Trainer exam is comprised of 150 multiple-choice questions based on four subject areas. These subject areas are broken down as follows:

Program Design & Implementation

Program Modification and Progression

Professional Conduct, Safety and Risk Management