Engineering Report Templates

If you’re an engineer, chances are you’ve had to write a report at some point in your career. Whether it’s a progress report, a feasibility study, or something else, engineering reports can be time-consuming. That’s why we’ve compiled a list of engineering report templates and examples for you to use as a starting point.

Each template on this page includes specific guidance on what information to include and examples of styling and formatting. And because we know that every engineering project is different, we’ve also included various report types for you to choose from.

So whether you’re looking for a simple one-page report or something more comprehensive, we hope you find the perfect template.

Basis of Design Reports

A basis of design report (BODR) is prepared by engineers as part of the contract documents for a construction project. It sets forth the assumptions and considerations underlying the design of the project and provides a point of reference for discussing and evaluating alternatives during the construction process.

For example, a BODR for a sewage pump station might include a description of the site conditions, the hydraulic loads to be handled by the pumps, the environmental requirements, the electrical requirement, structural requirements, and the required instrumentation. It would also identify the type of pump to be used, the capacity of the pump station, and the location of discharge pipes. The BODR would serve as a starting point for discussion between the engineer and the owner during design.

Basis of Design Report Examples

If you’re working on a design project, it’s helpful to familiarize yourself with examples of Basis of Design Reports. One easy way to find these examples is to search for “Basis of Design Report” + “Your Project Type.” For example, searching for “Basis of Design Report Gravity Sewer” would likely yield better results than “Engineering Basis of Design Report.”

While there are many examples of BODRs available online, the vast majority of them are in PDF format, which can make them difficult to use as a template for your own project. Additionally, because every design project is unique, it’s essential to tailor your BODR to fit the specific needs of your project.

Basis of Design Report Template

All engineers have to prepare basis of design reports. However, oftentimes, it is difficult to start a basis of design report without a go-by. While searching for examples may help an engineer, they don’t provide a workable format.

That’s where an editable template can come in handy. It can provide a great starting point, ensuring that all the necessary information is included. Plus, it can save valuable time in the long run. And luckily, templates can easily be found and downloaded from our website at the Engineering Training Institute. So if you’re feeling overwhelmed at the thought of creating a BODR from scratch, consider using a template as your starting point. It could make the whole process a lot easier – and less stressful.

Project Status Report Template

A project status report is a document used by engineers to communicate project milestones, financials, and project challenges. By providing periodic updates, the project status report ensures that all stakeholders are kept up to date on the progress of the project. The report also provides a written record of the project that can be used for future reference. The project status report template below can be used to create your reports. Simply fill in the relevant information and send it out to all stakeholders regularly. By doing so, you can keep everyone informed of the project’s progress and ensure that any potential problems are identified and addressed promptly.

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